& Data Sience
Thought in humans and machinesMultidisciplinary Perspectives
13 October 2022
Time: Monday, November 14th & Tuesday, November 15th, 2022
Place: Warburg Haus, Heilwigstraße 116, 20249 Hamburg, Germany
Michaela Regneri, House of Computing and Data Science, Universität Hamburg
Thomas Kroedel, Department of Philosophy, Universität Hamburg
The workshop brings together scholars from different disciplines, such as philosophy, computer science, and neuroscience, that work on (any aspect of) thought in humans and machines (or the machined processes that mirror thought most closely).
The workshop will be in a hybrid format with the option of participating either in person or online.
Talks will be 30 minutes with 30 minutes for discussion – we want to encourage the interdisciplinary exchange!
If you are interested in participating, please email gesa.amann"AT"studium.uni-hamburg.de, indicating whether you’d want to join in person or remotely.
Zoom: https://uni-hamburg.zoom.us/j/67645823330?pwd=NEVMNy95Y1Azbzkrb1cwQTYxTitIdz09
Meeting-ID: 676 4582 3330
Passcode: 32739483
- Anjali Bhat: “Dishbrain and immunoception: Alterity at a biological interface “ (Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, London)
- Cameron Buckner: Sentimental machines – artificial moral and social cognition in the age of deep learning (Philosophy, University of Houston (Zoom))
- Anne Lauscher: Fairness & Inclusion in modern AI: Cases for Historical Fiction? (Data Science, Universität Hamburg)
- Sara Mann: "Understanding via Exemplification in XAI" (Philosophy, Technical University of Dortmund)
- Dimitri Coelho Mollo: "Models of (Artificial) Intelligence: idealisation and behaviour" (Philosophy, Umeå University)
- Stephanie Nelli: The geometries of flexible knowledge structures in minds and machines (Cognitive Science, Occidental College, Los Angeles)
- Nicholas Shea: How to Solve and Avoid the Frame Problem (Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, London (Zoom))